The "sales platform" reading will give you a clear idea what the prospect wants and how your offering addresses this.
Your sales platform is your primary service offering and it's unique selling proposition, (hopefully your purpose is to help people by reducing pressure, solving problems or otherwise removing pain).
The spread is simply 2 cards, dealt side-by-side. As you shuffle and cut repeat to yourself "What is the pain my client needs me to heal?" And, "What can I tell them so they choose me to solve their problem?"

For this spread I dealt:
Page of Cups (R)
Lethargy - Not much desire to plan ahead in the face of changing circumstances.
9 of Cups
Wish Card - Future assured. Worries will disappear as new plans materialize.
Now, using a letter with a standard opening and closing, I write two brief paragraphs stating my understanding of their situation (Lack of desire to plan) and my ability to alleviate their pain, (Confidence in planning).
Trust that the Tarot has told you exactly what is going on for them, and don't hesitate to specifically address both their pain and your ability to eliminate it.
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